The decision

Let The Games Begin

It means nothing more than that F-9/11's really, really gotten under their skin. Time for a new photo-op!!!

Dubya even got Blair and his lapdogs break the news for him

Say nothing of this people and how wonderful this is for them. Oh no! This most assuredly falls under the category of "What is good for this country, and the world, is bad, bad, bad for the left." Doesn't matter what it is.

And as if Michael Moore had a thing to do with moving it up a few days - - are there really groups of people out there who actually subscribe to that sort of thinking? Tell me that this line of thought is for the extreme? Tell me this isn't the popular line of thought among the left?

Forget the fact that June 30th was the target date for HOW LONG? Moving it up a few days says more to their pragmatic way of thinking, than anything else.

Michael Moore. Pffft.

Hey - if this news had DU's panties in a bundle - - then you KNOW it's great news! Iraq has joined the free world - and these Dems couldn't be sadder. Speaks absolute VOLUMES.