The decision

There should be a law

Ok - whew! I finished up the custom TypePad design and now am in need of deprogramming! ;)

Speaking of deprogramming - anyone catch Al Gore's speech earlier today? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he really believes what he is saying - - and is not just spinning for spins sake as it gets closer to the elections..I have to wonder if Al has ever watched himself deliver a speech? Or heard himself on tape? He sounds like a schoolyard bully with his mocking tone..and OH! The whining! I'm sure there are Democrats out there who swallow his message hook, line and sinker - - but come on! Don't you think a better messenger might be in order? He looks and sounds like the boy who got picked last for the kickball games in school and is forever bitter about it. The extreme left has a real big problem with their choice in messengers like Dr. Dean, Michael Moore, Al Gore. Watching these guys is almost better than tuning into SNL on Saturday Night - - but without the musical entertainment!

Speaking of the news - I don't really follow the Scott Peterson case much, but you can't really tune into the news without hearing about it. How about those developments from today? The cop simply 'forgot' that he had interviewed a lady from the boat storage facility who said she saw Laci there on Dec. 23 - she remembers because Laci asked to use the bathroom. Laci and Scott where there dealing with the boat. Except for the fact that Laci's family, the police and the prosecution has been saying all along that Laci didn't know about Scott's new boat. Regarding the one strand of Laci's hair that was found in the boat - - their position was that since Laci didn't know about the boat, she would have never been in the boat in order for that strand to drop in the boat. Except it seems that Laci knew about the boat - and the cop on the stand today KNEW that she knew about the boat.and yet, conveniently either forgot, or chose not, to include that in his preliminary testimony in the pre-trial hearings. Curious.

That whole case is curious. Not that it's going to change anytime soon - but I really hate the way the media plays judge, jury and executioner in cases like these. Personally, I have no idea about Scott Peterson's guilt or innocence - - but the media had that man convicted from day one. With that much press coverage leading up to the actual hearing - how does one ever expect to obtain a fair trial from an impartial jury?

Please make such a law.